The Welfare City in Transition 


The Danish welfare city, as we know it today, is facing significant challenges as it enters a new phase of market-driven development. It has entered a new phase of market-driven development and many of the challenges faced by architects and decision-makers resemble present-day crises such as financial crisis, migration crisis, democracy crisis, housing crisis, health crisis, and the newer crises of climate change and the covid-19 pandemic. Through a compilation of texts and images from various voices and time periods, the book presents the key challenges and perspectives of the past, present, and future of the Danish welfare city. It aims to provide a critical map for reflection and action when addressing urban issues of our time. 

Authors: Signe Sophie Bøggild, Pernille Maria Bärnheim, Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss (ed.) 
Book Size: 19.6 x 13 cm 
Pages: 176
Language: English  
Format: Softcover 
ISBN: 9788774070009 
Released: 2020 

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The Danish welfare city, as we know it today, is facing significant challenges as it enters a new phase of market-driven development. It has entered a new phase of market-driven development and many of the challenges faced by architects and decision-makers resemble present-day crises such as financial crisis, migration crisis, democracy crisis, housing crisis, health crisis, and the newer crises of climate change and the covid-19 pandemic. Through a compilation of texts and images from various voices and time periods, the book presents the key challenges and perspectives of the past, present, and future of the Danish welfare city. It aims to provide a critical map for reflection and action when addressing urban issues of our time. 

Authors: Signe Sophie Bøggild, Pernille Maria Bärnheim, Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss (ed.) 
Book Size: 19.6 x 13 cm 
Pages: 176
Language: English  
Format: Softcover 
ISBN: 9788774070009 
Released: 2020 

The Danish welfare city, as we know it today, is facing significant challenges as it enters a new phase of market-driven development. It has entered a new phase of market-driven development and many of the challenges faced by architects and decision-makers resemble present-day crises such as financial crisis, migration crisis, democracy crisis, housing crisis, health crisis, and the newer crises of climate change and the covid-19 pandemic. Through a compilation of texts and images from various voices and time periods, the book presents the key challenges and perspectives of the past, present, and future of the Danish welfare city. It aims to provide a critical map for reflection and action when addressing urban issues of our time. 

Authors: Signe Sophie Bøggild, Pernille Maria Bärnheim, Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss (ed.) 
Book Size: 19.6 x 13 cm 
Pages: 176
Language: English  
Format: Softcover 
ISBN: 9788774070009 
Released: 2020 

CAFX - Copenhagen Architecture Festitval:

I 2020 er temaet for Copenhagen Architecture Festival “Velfærdsbyen i forandring”. Festivalen bliver en platform for at undersøge arven efter efterkrigstidens velfærdsby, som udgjorde de fysiske rammer for velfærdsstaten.  En sådan undersøgelse er relevant i dag, hvor byer som København og Aarhus gennemgår store forandringer fra en mere inkluderende velfærdsby til en mere eksklusiv “velstandsby” for de rige (Kristoffer Weiss, Critical City, 2019). I ruinerne af krig og fascisme efter 1945, stod datidens arkitekter og beslutningstagere overfor udfordringer, som har ligheder med dem, vi står over for i dag: økonomisk krise, flygtningekrise, demokratisk krise, boligkrise, osv.  Hvad kan vi lære fra tidligere erfaringer når vi skal håndtere nutidens urbane udfordringer? I hvilken grad er nutidens byudvikling reguleret? Genopstår modernismens sociale ingeniørkunst og tabula rasa byplanlægning i nye former? 

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